Thursday, April 22, 2010

Those were the days

How I miss those days when I love you and sorry were said without pride and ego holding me back;
and Goodnight wishes were something I would never miss saying to my parents;
I miss the days where my worst worry was "Will I wake up in time to watch Justice League?";
and when the only pieces I have in my closet were tshirts and my school uniform;
I miss waking up in the morning, excited to go to school;
and even after being scolded by teacher, I'd still be able to laugh about it when class's over;
I miss the times where I would hop into my daddy's boat and go fishing with him under the hot sun (he'll be fishing, I'll be scooping fish then. Hehe.);
And the way I would tip toe on his feet while we dance.
I miss swallowing 3 large McD fries without worrying about the extra fats & that my coach will kill me;
I miss the times where things were less complicated, and when people were more grateful.
I miss being myself without having to worry what the world thinks about me.
If only I could turn back time.

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