I'm not the kind of person who gets annoyed over simple things. For example, some would curse their way through a traffic jam; but for me, I would just take the time to look at things around me that I usually don't have the time for; or stare at the neighbouring driver and try to guess which radio station is he/she listening to if he/she was singing along with the song played.
BUT..there are certain people or things that just simple press on my hot button. And trust me, you won't like me when I am angry. Grrrr.
1. People who sit behind me in a cinema and can't keep their legs still.
I hate it when people kick my chair while I'm watching a movie. Or when they shake their legs, turning my chair into a vibrating massage chair. Pffft.
I hate it when people kick my chair while I'm watching a movie. Or when they shake their legs, turning my chair into a vibrating massage chair. Pffft.
Annoyed level: 7/10
2. Waiters (especially those taking orders) who don't smile.
You may have a bad day, but that doesn't give you the permission to be rude to your customers. A smile doesn't costs you anything, probably just some energy needed to curve up that lips and show your teeth. I've been a waitress many many times, trust me, a smile goes a long way. And it could even earn you big tips. So come on, don't be stingy with that smile. =)
You may have a bad day, but that doesn't give you the permission to be rude to your customers. A smile doesn't costs you anything, probably just some energy needed to curve up that lips and show your teeth. I've been a waitress many many times, trust me, a smile goes a long way. And it could even earn you big tips. So come on, don't be stingy with that smile. =)
Annoyed level: 8/10
3. The word "Whatever".
I will slap the person.
Annoyed level: 9/10
4. Drivers/motorcyclists who almost caused you an accident, but they stare at you as if it's your fault.
!@#$%^&!!! I may drive a small car but I know my undang-undang okay..
Annoyed level: 9/10
5. People who curse like nobody's business and think it's cool.
You are given a mouth for a reason. And I'm sure it's not for that purpose. So hold your tongue. Whatever you say on earth, is sealed in heaven. Be wise.
Annoyed level: 7/10
6. Yawning loudly and not closing the mouth.
Especially if one is in a meeting/church service/conference.
Imagine yourself talking on the stage and someone yawns loudly with the mouth wide open, right in your face. I think it's really disrespectful. So please people.....
Annoyed level: 7/10
Annoyed level: 8/10
8. Men who ogle or whistle at women walking down the street. Or when they go: "Ah moi...."
9. Screaming kids in public.
If it's a baby, I understand. They can't help it. But if the kid is 5 and above, and still yelling like they own the world............. They'll get it if he/she was my kid.
Annoyed level: 8/10
10. Finding peas-carrot-corn in my fried rice.
Those of you who know me well enough should know that I hate bean sprouts in my noodles. But what's worse than that is finding the "3 musketeers" in my fried rice. Or them being a side dish in western food.
When that happens, you'd see me picking out my peas-carrot-corn. Hehe.
Annoyed level: 6/10
3. The word "Whatever".
Annoyed level: 9/10
4. Drivers/motorcyclists who almost caused you an accident, but they stare at you as if it's your fault.
!@#$%^&!!! I may drive a small car but I know my undang-undang okay..
Annoyed level: 9/10
5. People who curse like nobody's business and think it's cool.
You are given a mouth for a reason. And I'm sure it's not for that purpose. So hold your tongue. Whatever you say on earth, is sealed in heaven. Be wise.
Annoyed level: 7/10
6. Yawning loudly and not closing the mouth.
Especially if one is in a meeting/church service/conference.
Imagine yourself talking on the stage and someone yawns loudly with the mouth wide open, right in your face. I think it's really disrespectful. So please people.....
Annoyed level: 7/10
7. Someone who says "No laaa" to everything I say and gives their point of view ALL THE TIME.
I may not be right everytime, but I can't be that wrong all the time. Maybe you can try to consider that there's a possibility that things I say makes sense too...? =(Annoyed level: 8/10
8. Men who ogle or whistle at women walking down the street. Or when they go: "Ah moi...."
I get that very often when I work. And I really x1000000000000000000000000000 hate it. Sigh. Leave us ladies alone. Ughhhhh.
Annoyed level: 10/109. Screaming kids in public.
If it's a baby, I understand. They can't help it. But if the kid is 5 and above, and still yelling like they own the world............. They'll get it if he/she was my kid.
Annoyed level: 8/10
10. Finding peas-carrot-corn in my fried rice.
Those of you who know me well enough should know that I hate bean sprouts in my noodles. But what's worse than that is finding the "3 musketeers" in my fried rice. Or them being a side dish in western food.
When that happens, you'd see me picking out my peas-carrot-corn. Hehe.
Annoyed level: 6/10
So, what annoys you? =) My piece of advice: Just be patient and endure with it. If you die-die also have to point it out to the person that you're annoyed by his/her actions, be gentle when you do it. ;)