Yes. I admit it. And I'm not ashamed of it. And pls ah..hopeless romantic doesn't mean I'm hopeless ah. It just means I'm an idealist when it comes to love. :) I believe that two people in love can still grow old together despite all the negative things the world is telling us right now about marriage. And you might think, "This girl sure hasn't been hurt before, that's why she could think of love so perfectly."
You are wrong. You are SO wrong. I've been hurt tons of times. I've fell so hard, cried so badly, hurt so deeply, but in the end, I learn to pick myself up and learn to hope in love again.
Because Love itself is perfect. God is Love, and He is perfect; thus making Love perfect. It's us humans who screw things up and make love look hopeless. But the truth is, it isn't. :)
And I believe, a Love that is not extraordinary, passionate or mad is not worth getting yourself into in the first place.
I believe that fairy tales do happen for some people. And it really does. Just look at Prince William and Kate Middleton! :)
So, still think I'm hopeless..? Haha. :) You're probably just bitter inside. Time to throw that bitter seed and start hoping again.
[No girl will ever decline a Forever Friends bear. Trust me on this, guys. They are too cute to not have. :)]
2. I love cold cuts!!
Ham, salami, sausages, cheeses!! Oh so yummy...*Drools*
But then, no luncheon meats, please. I'm somehow not a fan of luncheon meat. My brother on the other hand is. :)
Just a gentle reminder, as yummy as it may seem, choose your cold cuts wisely. Some companies put in more fats than lean meat into their sausages. And some contain very high amount of salt. So if you have conditions like hypertension or obesity, try to avoid these things. :)
[I could eat this for lunch every day..*Stomach growling* Haha!]
[Oh man.............]
[Save me from this temptation...]
Picture taken from
3. I'm a sucker for heart shape helium balloons. :D
How can one not love heart shape balloons that could fly in the sky?? Ha??
Fine..fine. Maybe I'm still a kid at heart. :)
Heart shape helium balloons - a must have at my wedding..:P
[Picture by tmexnl.]
4. I play at least 7 musical instruments.
Hehehehehe. But then my advice is, if you wanna be good at music, focus is the key. Focus on one or two instruments. Not too many. And you'll be really good at it. :)
For me, it's piano. And it'll always be my first love. Since 4 years old. :) Even the good ol' violin couldn't compare itself to it.
By the way, do you know people who do well in music and arts are more romantic? Now you cannot blame me for being a hopeless romantic. :P
5. I think I'm starting to like pink.
SLIGHTLY ONLY HA. And it has to be something out of the ordinary like pink head bands, pink floorball grip or pink blade.
No pink shoes or pink handbag. No no no.
[This is what I'm talking about. Niceeee!]
6. I stopped growing in height at the age of 12.
HAHA! Terbantut. I was sorta the tallest in class in Primary school you know?? And then, it all stopped. Nightmare. But thank goodness, I was already at a satisfying height when the growing stops. :)
I guess God knows best ya. Hehe. I'm like one of the shortest among my friends, but then, like what I always tell my coach and bf, I may be small, but I am fast. Hmmmp! :)
[Yes. I'm the shorty. :P]
7. I went from size L to XS.
My secret?? Alot of running. I eat just as much as any normal girl. I LOVE to eat. But I run it all out. :) I lost 8-10kg in 6 months time.
Of course it requires a whole lot of discipline.
For example, even when you see the yummiest bowl of Curry mee on the dining table at 10pm, you HAVE to say NO to it.
And I know many of you are crazy about drumsticks and chicken wings, cut those. They are killers! Take breast meat instead.
Avoid those horrible sweet can drinks like F&N Orange or Lipton Ice Lemon Tea, even when they tell you it's less sugar.
Eat more wholesome food. Cook at home. If you eat out every single day, you're doomed to become fat. Sad but true.
It's not gonna be easy. It requires discipline and commitment. :) But then, do it for your health. Do it to boost your confidence. If I can, you can too. :) Nothing is impossible.
[Picture of me in year 2008 (left) and 2011 (right)]
8. I think Ribena is the best drink - EVER!
All who agrees say "YEA!!"
Heheheheheeeee. :D If you don't like Ribena, something is clearly very wrong with you.9. I think clowns are the scariest thing on earth.
No discussion nor comment needed. Clowns = scary.
Try to Google "clown" and see.. You'll realize there are no cute clowns or beautiful clowns.
And I hate them!!! :(
10. I could squeeze 3 large size Chipsmore into my mouth.
HAHAHAHA. I don't have a picture of myself stuffing Chipsmore into my mouth, but I do have a pic of me stuffing carrot.
Shhhhhhh... This is actually my super hero form. It's what I turn into every single night to keep people's kitchen safe from intruders. But once in a while, I get caught for stealing people's food 'cause I can't help it. Like the above picture. Shhhhhhhh...don't tell anyone ah....:XHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! :)
haha, this blog post is funny lah.
now only realized you so lady-like ady, banyak change ya. haha.
and ada orang show-off know many types of instrument oh, jealous you lah.
you also don't like mascot is it?
Laiyee!!! :)))
Haha! Thanks. I think this post is pretty wu liao. HAHA! Hehe..
And wei..I'm still very cool and yeng wan okay..? I just reveal more of another side of me lately. :)
And don't be jealous. Let your children learn next time. And make sure they get involve in orchestra or some band so that what they learn don't go to waste. :) Okay? You can still learn now ma..I don think one is ever to old to learn something..:)
And I love mascots!! I just hate clowns. Grrrrr..I do like mascots. I like hugging them. :) The last time I see a mascot, I grabbed its butt. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. :D
Hi..fida here..ur blog make me smile for da whole day..hihi..btw Im respect you on da post " I went from size L to XS"...i also make some of diet like not take a rice about 1 to 2 month but it doest work coz i eat lots and lots after off da diet period..and my body bigger,bigger n more da way...u look awesome on da right pic..hope i can do as what u do to look preety n boost cnfidence... wish me luck..! ;)
Dear Fida,
It's really nice to have a new reader. :) Thank you for reading. Anyway, I would say losing weight takes a lot of hard work and determination. It doesn't stop after the crucial diet period. It's on going. You can eat as usual. BUT..make sure you work out. Go for runs. Make sure you burn the fats. :) All the best, Fida!
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