I'm so so excited as Christmas has always been my favorite season of the year. :)
And Christmas is the time we celebrate the birth of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who was born onto this earth, to die on the cross, and overcome the grave, so that we can have everlasting life. Imagine the love that God has for you and I...There's no love greater than this. :')
Christmas was never about gifts and Christmas tree. Or ginger bread man and candy canes. But as long as we remember the true purpose of Christmas - Jesus, there's no harm in having some fun during this wonderful season. :)
I guess being a young adult has change my perspective towards receiving Christmas presents. As I'm blogging right now and thinking about my Christmas wish list, I can't freaking think of more than 3 things that I want to receive as Christmas present! HAHAHA! Well, it just means one thing I guess --- I have all I needed. And it is true. :) I am contented and blessed.
But oh well, for blogging's sake, I'll share what I have in mind alright? Though it's more of something I will have to get on my own as they are pretty pricey. :)
Eeleen's Christmas Wish List:
#1. The Lumix GF3 - The World's Smallest and Lightest System Camera
I'm very much done with compact digital cameras. Though they are very convenient and easy to use, they don't capture quality image as good as semi-pro cameras or DSLRs. And I'm not really a big fan of photography, so it'd be wonderful enough for me to have a semi-pro camera like the Lumix GF3. :)
For more details, visit http://panasonic.net/avc/lumix/systemcamera/gms/gf3/index.html
However, images captured in low light with the GF3 wasn't too great. Maybe the settings played a big part too and I didn't have time to try out the settings. But I guess it's the same for all cameras under low light ya. I'm wondering if Panasonic is going to come out with GF4, with better low light camera system. Hehehe. :)
[A simple, quality shot of fried mee hoon with the Lumix GF3. Sharp and detailed.]
#2. Jewelleries
I honestly think that diamonds are overrated. And whoever came up with the dumb idea that diamonds are girls' best friend?? Try talking to your diamond when you're sad and see if you feel better..Doink! HAHA!
BUT THEN..it'd be nice to receive a diamond necklace or bracelet or a pair of simple earrings once in a while. It's a girl thing. We're wired that way. Whether it's platinum, or gold or white gold..of course the more expensive it is the more we like it laaa.. *Evil laughter* :D
Hehe. :) At the end of the day, it's the heart that matters. But then we should always give our best. If your man can afford an iPad for himself, and gives you a RM20 pair of earrings, you should seriously talk to him. Either he doesn't love you, or he's way too stingy and selfish. AND IT'S UNACCEPTABLE. The same goes for girls. If you could spend thousands over cosmetics and clothes, please la don't give your husband or bf a tshirt you bought from Pasar Malam. Please. Even I will personally slap you. *Whack*
That's it! Told you I can't think of anything else dy ma...LOL. :) Okay la..mati mati also I squeeze my brain juice to finish the list alright? :)
#3. New violin case. Mine is falling apart. Been using my brother's violin case. :/
#4. A new laptop. My current BenQ is already 5 years old and it's running on Intel Duo Core, 1GB RAM!! Hahahahaha. Imagine the tortoise speed of my laptop. :) Shawn keeps bugging me to get a MacBook or MacBook Pro. Should I? I'm not really a techy person. Everyone around me seems to be using normal laptops and if I were to use MacBook, will my documents be incompatible..? Difficult to convert?
#5. A new smaller size car. MyVi? Swift? Mini Cooper???? :D
#6. A new pair of platforms or heels.
#7. Floorball stick!!!!!!! How could I forget that??? :) Salming? Unihoc? Yet to decide..Hmmmm... *Thinking hard*
#8. A new hair cut and new color. :) (Sorry, running out of things to write. Haha.)
#9. A suitcase filled with RM 1million. Please.
#10. I want hun here for Christmas. :( Sigh.
Christmas wish list - Done.
mac book air and mini cooper! =)
#9 please give me one also lol~
HAHAHAHAHAHA!! :) Who doesn't want 1 million right?? LOL..hehehe..
If someone gives me 1 million someday, I'll buy you new camera..:)For our friendship's sake. Serious. :)
okie.will wait that day come.LOL~
Nice blog you have thanks for posting
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