Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Is That??

It's SOOOOOOO cute!!! Oh my gosh!!!
Photo courtesy of BBC News
Can I keep this as a pet?? Preaseeeeeee.................? Prease prease prease? *Pity cat face*

LOL. Anyway..... This is a long-eared Jerboa. :) A.k.a. Mickey Mouse of the Desert. 
It's a nocturnal mammal which jumps around like a kangaroo. It has a pair of super size ears and a pretty long tail for a small animal its size. :)
One word: CUTE.
Sadly, I'll never be able to have this as a pet because it's been classified as an endangered species in the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Red List. :(
Dear Long eared-Jerboa, make sure you cute little things give birth to lots of babies and don't go extinct okay? You're too cute to be extinct. :]


Adrian Tan CS said...

Give birth to lots of babies and hope one of them hop into your house? Hahaha... yea they are cute... but I want a prairie dog instead

Eeleen said...

HOP INTO MY HOUSE?!? That would be nice!! :) But then, I doubt they can hop all the way from China or Mongolia to Malaysia la. :( When they pass Thailand probably get slaughtered or captured dy. :(

Prairie dog cute meh? The face like dumb dumb a bit wan..hahahaha. :D