Can't believe half a year has passed by so quickly and we're already in the 2nd half of 2013.
Am I the only one who feels that time seems to pass quicker as age increases..? =(
June, July - They've been crazy months. Busy busy busy. Mostly due to work and floorball la. With Penang Floorball League going on, and never ending work... Arghhh. Being a grown up sucks. Haha. =P
So, here's some updates about me to bore you people. Hehe. Let's start off with..... Floorball?! =)
ITE Singapore came down to Penang and requested to play against us for 3 consecutive evenings, so we obliged and gave them some sweet and sour memories. It was a mix team game, and to be honest, I didn't really pay much attention to the guys. Was busy watching and taking care of ma chicks. ;)
I think Penang girls played really well against the ITE girls, to the extend we didn't bother about the scores. It was about playing a good, tactical, tight game. There are still much space for improvement, but I am really proud and glad to see how they've grown and improved within this year, especially those who have been attending SDT regularly like Ling Ling, Yen Yen, Naomi...And also the old birds like Nat, Lala, Pei Yi and Winnie. =) Proud of you girls. Really.
And about the sour memory part..... it was when our girls injured one of ITE's on the very first day of game. Her arm was bandaged, and had to sit out for the next 2 days. Poor thing. It was my first time seeing Penang girls injuring others. Haha. 'Cause usually we are the victims. =.="
[With one of the ITE boys, Ihsan.
Who apparently is Travis's teammate. Haha. Small world.]
[Ling Ling & me]
[ITE girl. Sorry ah. I didn't get her name.]
[Everybody say cheeeeeeeesssseeeee!!!]
Penang Floorball League has finally come to an end last Saturday. It was a tough year for PFA because we had a lot issues with this year's league, mainly due to unavailability of court. Causing us to drag the league to the 2nd half of the year, which is no good 'cause alot of students are having their exams very soon. Sigh.
But I'm glad it's done and over with. =) And here's some picture of my adorable teammates: Spearhead and Contact girls. =)
[Eeleen's constipation face: Snap shot 1]
Just in case you're wondering, I am holding Nat's burger. She forced me to. =P
[Eeleen's constipation face: Snap shot 2]
My mom was right. I can never put on a proper face for pictures. =D
[With the legendary goalkeeper - Sharron. Always an All Star in my heart]
[Spearhead: 1st Runner up for Women's Division]
[Contact minions: 2nd Runner up for Division 2]
Penny, Sophia, Eeleen, Serene, Cathrina, Sheryn =)
And lastly, not forgetting my Geng Roti Tisu girls =)
[Cuteness Maximus!!]
It'll be a better year next year. =) Til then, it's time to deal with my dilemma.
Will tell you more once I get it sorted out.
P/s: All photos credited to Serene, Sheryn, Ling Ling. Thank you.