Dreamer has been complaining to me why didn't I show her off with her new wheels, so here's a post dedicated to her. =P
Dreamer has recently been "blessed" with a set of 2nd hand full carbon wheelset while I burn a hole in my pocket. And I would like to take this opportunity to thank a very good friend for giving up the wheels at a very good price for me. =) And that fella is none other than Deswyn. Talking about Des, it is actually because of him I was exposed to floorball in the first place. But let's not make him feel too good about himself if not later he show off. =P
Anyway, back to the story, Des is now in Kindu, Congo for work. Why Congo?
Follow his blog to learn more about his adventures and dreams. =) And because of that reason, he has entrusted Maddog under my care and also sold Maddog's wheels to me.
[Ma new babies. They make me fly.]
Everybody say Hi to my pup - Brownie!! =) Emo la that dog.
[Maddog & Dreamer before the switch of wheels]
I actually switched my wheels and put it unto Maddog, not exactly appropriate, cos it's like putting a Perodua Kancil's wheels onto a Ferrari. =.=" But it's better than leaving Maddog wheel-less, paralyzed and immobile. =( No no no. Can't do. So til Maddog's master gets him a set of new wheels, he has to hang on to my humble wheels first. =)
[Meet Dreamer with her new wheels]
Ain't she sexy?! ;)
[Mom took this picture of me when I was getting ready for my ride =) ]
The new wheels indeed felt sooooooooo good. Smoother, faster, lighter, sexier and yeng-er. Haha!! Just makes riding 10 times more interesting. =)
1 more month to my first 85km. *Nervous*