Drove down to KL with Anne last weekend. Her grandma was in the car and I can say, she's the coolest grandma I've seen so far. You know why?
Where on earth you see a 75 year old grandma with more than 10 grandchildren wear jeans?!? =DHaha. I like her. She actually poke my cheek and said that my smile look like Anne's cousin's.
Which also means I've got a great smile laaa!!! HAHAHAHA. =)))
Okay. Better stop before you puke. =P
So we reached KL around 12pm and went straight to her aunt's house, which has a SERIOUSLY NICE GRAND PIANO!!
The sound was okay okay only. Haven't seasoned yet. But who cares?? It's a grand piano!!! X)))
[A must do - try out the piano]

[And pose for the camera too laa. =P]

Then I met up with my aunt for lunch. Got my return bus ticket from her, then head to KarYee's place. =)
I like what she did to her room. It was hard to understand..especially the hanging branch. HAHAHAHAHA. Inside joke. Cannot tell you guys. But it was nice. =)
Quickly washed up and was totally excited for the night.
You'll see......
Yours truly went for S.H.E.'s concert!! =)

Pictures taken by Miss Chan Kar Yee. =) Awesome pics right?They were so so so so pretty especially Hebe. And Ella was so freaking cute!!! =) Haha.
It was my first concert. =)
And I'm glad it was you who went with me babe. =)
Oh ya...not forgetting to thank Angie!!! For the free tics. Hehe.
We got lost that night. Haha. Went down the wrong station. Walk left right left right. Tried to stop cabs but took 3 trials to catch one. Haha. It was one hell of a night. =)
Went back the next day and when I reach home, my parents were waiting for me with a birthday cake and a great meal. =)
It really, really made me smile from the heart. =)
I love you guys so much.
And if this is not a weekend to remember, what is? =)