I know.. I know.. it's been a long while. =)
Let me see, 4 months?? No wonder I see spiderwebs all over my blog. HAHA. =)
I really miss blogging though. I've been too caught up with so many things that I totally neglected it. And guess what? I'm actually doing this in the midst of my exam period. Hehe.
Just sat for two major papers yesterday, one in the morning, one in the afternoon. Imagine that. =/ Didn't do too well though. Sigh..
But well, exams are about giving your best and leaving the rest to God. Because He knows your effort. =) CK told me that.
Alright..a little update about myself. =)
1. I'm still in KK, Sabah. The most beautiful place ever. Especially if you love beaches and chops (Lamb chop, chicken chop, pork chop, cat chop..Oooops. Hehe. No cats. No cats.)
[See what I mean. Clear water. Blue sky. Sandy beaches. Paradise.]
Picture curi-ed from KarYee. =P
2. Still crazy over floorball. It is off season currently. We just finished our Nomad League as 1st runner ups. But I believe Nomad will keep on fighting and gold shall be ours next year. =)
So since it's off season, Coach Shawn has been treating us with very NICE killers every week. I had to walk like a penguin every time training ends. I call them tofu legs now. =)
[Nomad with their titanium medals]
3. My house has a new cat! Pretty cute. We all thought it was a she but it was actually a he. Now I know why it likes me so much. =P

4. I've been using alot of "LOL" lately instead of my usual "Hahahaha". What's happening to me. =]
5. Did my performance for the very last time in university. I am very sure it's the last time. And it was great. =) Ahhh..memories.
[That's me. The glowing one. LOL. See see. The LOL again. & not forgetting, Kevin. My duet partner.]

[Kevin got me this as an appreciation gift. Thank you Kevin. =)
The last time someone gave me flowers was on Mother's Day. -.-" I really wonder what that person was thinking.]

6. And finally somebody came all the way down from Penang just to see me which is a lie. She's here for the beach only. =D Heheeee. It was nice to have a chance to show KarYee around beautiful KK. More pictures in the next post. =)
That's it for now I guess. =) Wonder if anyone's gonna read this. Hmmm. After all, it's been such a long time. =]