Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Year's Resolution =)

1. Smile more
2. Earn more money instead of only thinking how to save more
3. Bug Shawn less when's he's busy
4. Score 77 floorball goals
5. Reduce body fat percentage down to 18-20%
6. Eat more fruits and vegetables
7. Fly to KK at least 3 times this year - sponsored by Captain Awesome. Hehe.
8. Bring at least one new friend to church
9. Learn bass - I'm gonna be a cool bassist! Yeah!
10. Forgive easily
11. Don't judge anyone by first impression
12. Give others chances but don't simply trust anyone
13. Locate more time for family and friends
14. Run at least one marathon
15. Don't snap so easily when I'm angry
16. Get myself a new IT gadget. I find myself living in stone age sometimes.
17. Be hardworking in using facial products
18. Not to give up easily, even when things are really going downhill
19. Don't push people away when they're trying to care for me
20. Be beautiful both inward and outwardly
21. Visit somewhere with Captain Awesome
22. Read more
23. Buy a new car
24. Get my hands dirty in the kitchen more often :)
25. Treat myself with respect
26. Be courageous, patient and passionate
27. Listen to my heart
28. If someone doesn't have time for me, be patient and wait for the person; and if the person still don't bother, I'm just gonna walk away. I won't force myself to have space in his/her life, because if they know my worth, they'll create space for me.
29. Be crazy once in a while
30. Love God and always remember that He is faithful.

[Life should be as beautiful and colorful as this door. :) Gonna use this idea for my future home.]


Adrian Tan CS said...

Nice... all the way sis! Will be supporting you from the background!

Eeleen said...

Thank you Adrian!! :))
Let's gambateh for year 2012 together! It's just gonna get better..:)