Monday, July 26, 2010

Despicable Me

I watch Despicable Me in 3D last night and it's SO FREAKING CUTE!!!
OMGOSH!!!!!! =)
Seriously adorable wei...

Especially the minions who laugh at almost everything. Hahahahaha. =) What are they actually?? Tennis balls??

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. See. They laugh at everything. XD

The 3 little girls are super cute too laaa...especially Agnes. =)
"Does this count as annoying? Pok pok pok pok pok pok pok pok pok..."
"It's so fluffy I'm gonna DIEEEEE!!!"

And some people, they are not really that bad. You just need to look deeper and harder. And be patient with them. =)

1 comment:

XiuQi said...

i watched it d too! very CUTE! and the minions look more like potatoes to me..hahha